Bael / Bel Juice
Bael Juice – Healthy, Yummy and perfect drink for Summer! 🙂
Servings Prep Time
4Glasses 10-15minutes
Servings Prep Time
4Glasses 10-15minutes
  1. In a big bowl or on your kitchen platform, break bael fruit with the help of a rock or some heavy thing. Make sure you use a steel or aluminum container, as we don’t want to break our glassware.
  2. The fruit will easily break and you will see yellow meshy pulp inside. Take out all the pulp and put it in a mixing bowl or a vessel.
  3. Fill the same bowl with water and let the fruit pulp get dip inside it for few minutes. Now with the help of your hands squeesh the fruit into the water. We just want the pulp and throw away the hard part of the fruit.
  4. Once done, blend it using a hand blender and strain the juice using a strainer. Add more water if required.
  5. Add sugar if required. If you are making it for a diabetic patient, avoid sugar. We generally don’t add sugar as it is already mild sweet.
  6. Add salt and black pepper powder.
  7. Serve it chill. You can even serve it with ice cubes.
  8. Voila! Refreshing Bael juice is ready.
Recipe Notes
  • Make sure the Bael fruit is ripe. If it isn’t, keep it outside so that it can ripe.
  • Add sugar if you feel like it.
  • It does taste sweet so sugar is totally optional.
  • Have it early morning in an empty stomach and it works great.